Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Didn't you see

Didn't see the clutter around
didnt you see the dirt everywhere
didnt you catch the vodka
stashed in the water bottles
didnt you see the all the intoxication
didnt you see the depression in there
didnt you feel the worldly hooks
not letting go of him
didnt you see the shot gun
didnt you see the shot gun shells everywhere
didnt you see them by the bed
didnt you see them by the tv
didnt you see them by the night stand
didnt you see them in the bathroom
didnt you see how lost he was
didnt you see how to help him
didnt he see who loved him
didnt he want to feel anything
other than the intoxication
didnt they see what was wrong
why were they so blind
they were told all the time
of the problems and the sadness
why didnt they love unconditionally
why did they alienate
why couldnt he see he needed help
why didnt he listen
he was seduced so young
he needed help
he needed medication
he needed understanding
he needed guidance
he needed a diagnoses that wasn't around during his younger time
diagnoses would have help
it would have aleviated his feelings
we all need help all some point


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