Wednesday, May 14, 2008


ok, I'm sitting here at my desk and I can hear everything going on in the office in front of me. There is a mom who has in the past cause a lot of problems with her daughters teacher via cursing her out and being rude. Well she is here this morning and its 9:35. School started at 8:55 and breakfast here at school was at 8:25. She wants to give her daughter breakfast and wants to take it to her classroom. Our Principal says that it would disrupt the class and more than likely she is working right now on classwork; she can leave it with the front office and we'll drop it off. Normally this is what we do when parents drop off lunch for their children. She then says I'll be real quick, then as she laughs trying to make light of the situation, she says 'What you dont trust me?' UM that would be a big fat NO Ma'am! LOL No when you have time after time again have curse out the teacher! Whom by the way is a very quiet mannered teacher. And why is she dropping off breakfast for her child now. Why didn't she have breakfast this morning with the rest of the children or at home? LOL These parent sometimes are just plan silly..

Monday, May 12, 2008

Falling short

Dear Lord,
Can you hear me? I hope you can. I'm sorry, please forgive for what I have done and for giving into my flesh. I AM A SINNER DAMNIT. I fall so short of your glory and time after time again I sin. Can you hear me? Please give me a sign that you can hear my cries, I'm begging for mercy, for forgiveness? I mess up all the time, I'm so dumb and fall into traps, some I get through, and some I don't. I'm such a retard. I want to please you I DO! Please forgive, I love you God. You and only you. Please have mercy on me, please wash me. I fall so short, so short, I'm so small in the scheme of life yet I fell like my sins are so huge that they are unforgivable. I hope you can hear me, are you there, are you watching me? Can you forgive me? Please forgive me? I know you love us, I know you had your ONLY child brutally killed for my sins, MY SINS. But yet I still can't fathom how you can hear me and forgive me and love ME? I'm so dirty with sin and so worthless compared to some. Do you see me, do you hear me, can you forgive? I'm so mad at myself for the STUPID things that I have done, and the ripples in the water are still affecting me today and I can't stand it. Hear my cries...
Are you there, are you watching me? Please forgive me I fall so short...